Do you somehow sabotage your relationships, health or financial success?
Are you overly harsh with yourself?
Can you see the negative patterns in your life but still
can’t seem to break free?
Discover how easy it can be to tap away old stuck emotions, swap out the perceptual filters that limit who you think you are and how good life can be, and put an end to destructive self-fulfilling prophecies. Hacking Reality gives you the cutting edge science, tools & mindsets to massively upgrade your life.
- Enjoy a new relationship with your body & health
- Finally let go of self-deprecation & truly love yourself
- Stop reenacting childhood trauma in your relationships
- Reprogram your subconscious mind for real success
- Open up to a more meaningful & joyful life
Reviews for Hacking Reality
This is definitely one of the best self-help books I've ever read. As a psychologist, I wish academics would explain things in such a simple and pleasant to read way as Rob does. The book is filled with great analogies and case examples that are used to break down complex concepts from fields such as epigenetics, quantum physics, morphogenetic fields, energy psychology, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Matrix Reimprinting. I really enjoyed reading this book and learned a lot from it.
Bruno Sade
"Engaging, intriguing, funny, and wonderfully readable...I couldn’t put this book down! Stories of ordinary people creating incredible change, how they did it, and how anyone can. Rob Nelson has a real knack for explaining the science behind it all, so you’ll understand and even laugh out loud. A welcome addition to the quantum consciousness field."
Ivonne Plankey
Super interesting and fun to read, this book can turn your reality right side up. In a witty, casual style, the author explains the physics and methods of how we can rewrite experiences and beliefs that hold us back from being all of who we would like to be. I'm a counsellor with over 20 years experience specializing in working with trauma, anxiety, depression as well as other life challenges, and I'd recommend this book to anyone!
Lieneke Hewlett
Seven Secret Reasons is all about discovering and eliminating the reasons WHY you have a weight issue in the first place, so that getting to your ideal weight becomes effortless and inevitable.
Instead of endlessly trying to diet and exercise with discouraging results, you’ll learn how to put your weight loss on autopilot and get your life back. No more struggle.
This isn’t about self-hypnosis or positive thinking. No. You’ll learn something new. Something that actually works – an extremely powerful tool called EFT tapping which allows us to reset the subconscious mind.
Why the subconscious? Because it controls your appetite and metabolism, and it has its own agenda to keep you safe by keeping you heavy. This book is about changing its mind!
Tapping is an absolute game-changer and although it is scientifically grounded, the results seem almost magical. It’s probably unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. EFT is also easy to learn and you can get to work right away, changing your subconscious settings for weight.
This book isn’t just about understanding what’s wrong. The tapping scripts in this book are carefully designed to fix what’s wrong – not only to lose weight and keep it off effortlessly. But even more so, to live a happier, more successful and authentic life.
Reviews for Seven Secret Reasons
"If you struggle with sabotaging your diet plans, obsessing about food or understanding why you can't lose weight...then the Seven Secret Reasons is a must read. Not only does the book break it down to easily understand why we aren't meeting our weight loss goals, but also provides tapping scripts to help rewire the old thinking in your subconscious (which is the real reason for having this issue). It's clear to me now that it's not my fault for not reaching my goals, but these Seven Reasons. What a relief to finally have an answer and not need to beat myself up anymore. And the best part, diets or willpower required. This book gives you the tools to set you up for success and finally get results!"
Imagine being in an unknown country where you don't know how to speak the language. You feel completely lost. Now imagine if someone who spoke the right language gave you a roadmap. Rob Nelson's book is that roadmap.
I have struggled with my weight for 23 years and have worked with EFT for 18 years. Try as I might, I was only able to slightly shift my weight. The moment I opened Ron's book I knew I had finally found the lasting solution. Working through each chapter, I was able to collapse each of the reasons that were holding the weight in place. Three weeks later I am finally on the road to success. I no longer have a weight set point and my clothes are getting looser by the day!!! I simply KNOW that my weight issues have been completed resolved!
Blessings to you, Rob, for drawing up this easy-to-follow roadmap.
“This outstanding book captures the essence of the UNDERLYING problems that keep the weight-lose cycle holding on and repeating itself. Rob’s extensive experience, insight, and knowledgeable background shines through brightly, guiding others to opening up to new possibilities. With his masterful use of EFT, he has ventured to describe, in very comprehendible everyday language, the inner most thoughts and feelings of a person caught in this self-defeating cycle, and offers a method for recognizing and changing those beliefs, thoughts and feelings, therefore changing the outcome in their life. Rob’s loving, compassionate mannerism comes through in this LIFE CHANGING book, connecting to an audience that is seeking solutions to empower them to take the weight off with ease and take their life back. I give it 5 stars.”
Shirley Carriere
Siete Razones Secretas: Por Las Que No Puedes Alcanzar y Mantener Tu Peso Ideal (Spanish Edition)
Este libro es diferente.
Aquí no encontrarás nada sobre dieta o ejercicio. Nada de keto, paleo, suplementos, superalimentos o batidos o recomendaciones de ejercicios. Nada de promesas de balas mágicas que no dan en el blanco, ¡y de alguna manera es culpa tuya!
Si te encuentras frustrado, agotado y profundamente desanimado en tu lucha contra el peso, este libro puede ser para ti.
Si te sientes disgustado con tu cuerpo, o si te odias a tí mismo por ser débil e indisciplinado, ¡este libro es definitivamente para ti!
Siete Razones Secretas trata de descubrir y eliminar las razones por las que tienes problemas de peso, para que alcanzar tu peso ideal sea inevitable y sin esfuerzo.
En lugar de intentar interminablemente hacer dieta y ejercicio con resultados desalentadores, aprenderás cómo poner tu pérdida de peso en piloto automático y recuperar tu vida. Se acabó la lucha.
No se trata de auto hipnosis o pensamiento positivo. No. Aprenderás algo nuevo. Algo que realmente funciona - una herramienta extremadamente poderosa llamada EFT tapping que nos permite reprogramar la mente subconsciente.
Este libro es altamente recomendable, y no sólo para la pérdida de peso. Las combinaciones de modalidades de sanación que se dan en este libro son realmente asombrosas y transformadoras.
Este libro lo tiene todo!! Siete Razones Secretas Por Las Que No Puedes Perder Peso y Mantenerlo lo tiene todo! Ofrece un conjunto único de modalidades combinadas que trabajan integralmente. Trabajando a través de creencias subconscientes limitantes, usando tapping y afirmaciones encuentras tu camino para liberarte. Rob Nelson es una persona increíble que no sólo tiene un gran estilo de escritura, tiene además un espíritu curativo que brilla a través de todo lo que hace. Tuve la maravillosa oportunidad de conocer a Rob cuando asistí a uno de sus cursos online y realmente se interesa en ayudarte; su trayectoria como sanador resalta no sólo en persona, sino también en sus cursos y libros. ¡Gracias Rob!
Inspirador y motivador. Siete Razones secretas me ha revelado un camino de reconciliación con mi cuerpo que pasa por sanar mis emociones a través del EFT Tapping, poderosa y eficaz herramienta para llegar al subconsciente. Este libro me invitó a saltar de la teoría a la acción, a ir más allá de esa voz que me decía “no funcionará” y a poner en práctica el tapping a medida que avanzaba en mi lectura. Los resultados fueron inmediatos: mi nivel de ansiedad se redujo significativamente y eso me permitió identificar cuándo tenía hambre verdaderamente. Bajar de peso fue la consecuencia natural.
Este libro, junto con Hacking Reality (Hackeando la Realidad) del mismo autor, es uno de los mejores libros que he leído sobre autoconocimiento y crecimiento emocional (¡y he leído mucho!). No contiene nada sobre dietas o ejercicio. Va más allá de abordar las razones psicológicas por las que luchamos con nuestro peso y comemos en exceso; su contenido es poderoso y tiene la capacidad de mejorar nuestras vidas.
El enfoque de Rob llega a la raíz del problema en lugar de limitarse a tratar los síntomas. Explica con palabras concisas y sencillas el funcionamiento y el poder de nuestra mente subconsciente; cómo nuestros pensamientos/emociones atrapados por asuntos no resueltos de la infancia causan creencias limitantes/destructivas (no soy suficiente, no soy digno de amor, no soy importante, no me lo merezco, etc.) que afectan a nuestras acciones en el presente. Además, nos da un curso intensivo de Tapping (EFT) como herramienta para trabajar con la resistencia natural de la mente subconsciente al cambio, liberar el exceso de carga emocional, dejar ir esas creencias limitantes y patrones no deseados, y en su lugar imprimir creencias potenciadoras.
Rob explica que las creencias que más problemas nos causan proceden de decisiones tomadas por nuestro Yo más joven en el contexto de experiencias traumáticas. No importa lo desacertadas o autodestructivas que puedan ser esas decisiones en nuestra vida actual, por haber sido tomadas por un niño pequeño, hoy, años después, pueden seguir pareciéndole totalmente razonables a nuestra mente subconsciente.